EFL Students’ perceptions on Gender Stereotypes through their Narratives





artwork, gender stereotypes, students’ perceptions, EFL, experiences


This article reports a case study conducted with twelve students from the Modern/Foreign Languages program at a public university in Colombia. It sought to unveil EFL Student’s perceptions on Gender Stereotypes through three different moments. At first, students expressed their thoughts after being exposed to a film. Then, their point of views were heard through the exposure of some before/now photographs; and lastly, they provided their insights through their own artwork. Data was gathered through focus group interviews, field notes and students’ artifacts. Findings showed that students’ perceptions on gender stereotypes differ from their past generations and the way they see their future have made their minds change over the time.


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Author Biographies

Jhonatan Vásquez-Guarnizo, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia

holds an M.A in Language Teaching from Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia and a B.A in English Language Teaching from Universidad de la Amazonia. He is currently a researcher and a full-time English language professor in the School of Languages at UPTC. He is also part of the research group “TONGUE” and a first-semester student in the master’s in Education at Universidad Externado de Colombia.

Maribel Chía-Ríos, Institución Educativa Luis María Jiménez, Colombia

holds a B.A. in Modern Languages from Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (UPTC). She currently works at Institución Educativa Luis Maria Jimenez in Aguazul, Casanare where she teaches Spanish/English, besides studying her last semester in the Master’s in Language Teaching at the UPTC.

Mairon Felipe Tobar-Gómez, Universidad de La Salle, Colombia

holds a B.A in English Language Teaching from Universidad de la Amazonia. He currently works at Colegio San Viator in Tunja, Boyacá where he teaches English to tenth and eleventh graders, besides studying his Master’s in Languages Didactic at Universidad de la Salle. 


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How to Cite

Vásquez-Guarnizo, J., Chía-Ríos, M., & Tobar-Gómez, M. F. . (2020). EFL Students’ perceptions on Gender Stereotypes through their Narratives. GIST – Education and Learning Research Journal, 21, 141–166. https://doi.org/10.26817/16925777.836


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