Shaping Narrative Writing Skills Through Creating Picture Books




writing process, picture book, narrative writing, genre-based approach


This research sets out to assist in the enrichment of narrative writing processes in EFL 5th graders through the implementation of picture books as a means to surmount the lexical density that the written expression entails and to shape the natural ability of telling an event or a sequence of events systematically. To achieve this goal, it was necessary to understand writing as a formal description of structured data which is outlined in the mind that has different cognitive stages and works with pre-established categories, as proposed by Flower & Hayes (2008); evenly, the learning was contemplated from a genre-based approach where recognizing the needs and proficiencies of the students was the major concern, which was supported in familiar routines and cyclical activities in social contexts. As a result, the creation of a narrative story in the form and following the principles of picture books became the ultimate achievement of the present study, which ponders on the bases of action research with a qualitative approach. In this way, the possible implication of conducting a study based on the use of picture books was related to the affinity of students to the world of words.


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Author Biographies

Francisco Antonio Pérez, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Colombia

is a full-time professor and researcher at Universidad Pedagógica Nacional. Holds a Master´s degree in TEFL and another one in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language from UNINI University, Puerto Rico. His research interests include Teaching English as a Foreign language, teaching practicum, interculturality and teachers professional development, amongst others. 

Carolina Vargas-Daza, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Colombia

has worked for 5 years teaching English in Bogota. During her 4th year of university, she worked for one year in an elementary school setting teaching English as part of the research project in question. She is currently studying an M.A TESOL in Northern Ireland for which she is already preparing her next research project


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How to Cite

Pérez, F. A., & Vargas-Daza, C. . (2019). Shaping Narrative Writing Skills Through Creating Picture Books. GIST – Education and Learning Research Journal, (19), 148–171.


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