The multi professional team and interdisciplinary work in palliative care: Reflections about context and professional factors that affect the Occupational Therapy practice




Occupational Therapy, palliative care, patient care group, collaborative working environment


Although multidisciplinary care has been the philosophical and theoretical work model of the multi-professional team in palliative care, this model does not ensure a collective attention overall in real life. This reflective article presents multiple questions about the occupational therapist’s visibility and duty within the palliative care team. It highlights the work dynamics of Brazilian occupational therapists that were worked together with professionals from other areas. It analyzes the characteristics of the job environment and the professional factors that could be influencing the offer of a joint professional task during the palliative care process. It is expected that this dialogue generates discomfort and that it sparks the readers’ motivation to project and specify opportunities that will address and incorporate the occupational dimension in this type of care, whose primary focus is to preserve the professional identity, its epistemic view and the flexibility of the intra-professional competencies to achieve a genuine interdisciplinary practice.


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How to Cite

León Perilla , V. M. ., & Torkomian Joaquim , R. H. V. . (2020). The multi professional team and interdisciplinary work in palliative care: Reflections about context and professional factors that affect the Occupational Therapy practice. Human Occupation Journal, 20(1), 64–81.



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