Rehabilitation of the visually impaired: opinions and expectations regarding individual limitations and the "Waiting-Group"


  • Rita de Cassia letto Montilha University of Campinas/School of Medical Sciences- Campinas
  • Maria Inés Rubo de Souza Nobre University of Campinas/School of Medical Sciences- Campinas
  • José Newton Kara University of Sao Paulo/School of Medicine
  • Edméa Rita Temporini University of Campinas/School of Medical Sciences- Campinas



Low-Vision, rehabilitation process, blindeness


This study searches out limitations and expectations of visually impaired customers attended to in a university service (CEPRE) in Campinas, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, from 1994 to 1997, in order to get subsidies for improving the quality of the services offered. A special type of attendance called “waiting-group” is described with the customers’ opinions regarding this kind of attendance being also surveyed during the rehabilitation process. Twenty subjects, aged 12 and more, with vision impairment, either congenital or acquired, compound the study sample. A questionnaire, employed for data collecting, disclosed: a slight predominance of males (57.0%); average age equal to 32.2; the majority ofthe subjects are acquainted with the rehabilitation approach, presenting expectations as to the work developed by the service; among the opinions regarding limitations due to vision impairment, those associated with locomotion (80.0%) and ability to exercise professional activities (75.0%) predominate; as to personal changes that came about as a result of taking part in the “waiting-group”, that of the acceptance of the vision impairment prevails (89.5%). Concluding, the Authors stress the need for vision rehabilitation programs to promptly attend the demand, in a mandatory way, taking into account both the customers’needs and opinions.


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Author Biographies

Rita de Cassia letto Montilha, University of Campinas/School of Medical Sciences- Campinas

Master in Neurological Sciences, concentration area in ophthalmology, by the State University of Campinas/School of Medical Sciences; Occupational Therapist, Special Education and Rehabilitation teacher along with the Center for Studies and Researches in Rehabilitation “Prof. Dr. Gabriel Porto”- CEPRE, a unity belonging to the State University of Campinas/School of Medical Sciences. Campinas, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Maria Inés Rubo de Souza Nobre, University of Campinas/School of Medical Sciences- Campinas

Master in Neurological Sciences, concentration area in ophthalmology, by the State University of Campinas/School of Medical Sciences; Occupational Therapist, Special Education and Rehabilitation teacher along with the Center for Studies and Researches in Rehabilitation “Prof. Dr. Gabriel Porto”- CEPRE, a unity belonging to the State University of Campinas/School of Medical Sciences. Campinas, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil.

José Newton Kara, University of Sao Paulo/School of Medicine

Full Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, State University of Campinas/School of Medical Sciences, Campinas, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil; and Full Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, University of Sao Paulo/School of Medicine, Sao Paulo, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Edméa Rita Temporini, University of Campinas/School of Medical Sciences- Campinas

Associate Professor, Lecturer in Methodology of Research for the Health Area, University of Sao Paulo/School of Public Health, Sao Paulo, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil; and, Research Counsellor for the discipline of Ophthalmology, State University of Campinas/School of Medical Sciences, Campinas, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Montilha, R. de C. letto, de Souza Nobre, M. I. R., Newton Kara, J., & Temporini, E. R. (2001). Rehabilitation of the visually impaired: opinions and expectations regarding individual limitations and the "Waiting-Group". Human Occupation Journal, 9(2), 52–64.



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