Diagnóstico y enfoque ocupacional de los problemas de aprendizaje


  • Juliana Gutiérrez F. Escuela Colombiana de Rehabilitación




There has been in increase in the detection of possible learning disorders in our Educational and Social context, that lead us to question the real causes and implications this increase has in our professional actions. From this point of view, we must maintain a reflexive attitude about aspects such as the environmental social demands, the educational demands and the sensorimotor, cognitive and emotional processes of maturation, to clarify the guidelines of our actions through the analysis of the interaction of those elements, without moving away from the real context in which we leave and in which the child moves. It is stress the need for an active participation in the educational process not as simple observers or external agents of that process.


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Author Biography

Juliana Gutiérrez F., Escuela Colombiana de Rehabilitación

OTR. Especialización en Docencia Universitaria Universidad del Rosario. Especialización en Integración Sensorial Universidad del Sur de California. Docente Escuela Colombiana de Rehabilitación.


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez F., J. (1996). Diagnóstico y enfoque ocupacional de los problemas de aprendizaje. Human Occupation Journal, 6(3), 54–65. https://doi.org/10.25214/25907816.1816



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