Words, concepts, and cultural and historical contexts:
Plurality in Occupational Therapy
Studies addressing occupation have informed part of the Occupational Therapy field, notably in the Anglo-Saxon context. They are often considered worldwide guidelines. However, there is an increasing debate around locally rooted theoretical-methodological diversity involving particular histories, cultures, and vocabularies. The objective is to present and discuss, from a Brazilian perspective, concepts related to the locus of occupational therapists' action – human activity, occupation, cotidiano (everyday life), and ways of life – as well as those associated with the purposes of professional practice – occupational engagement, social insertion/inclusion, emancipation/autonomy, and social participation. It is argued that some of these concepts help centralizing subjects and social life in the occupational-therapeutic activites. In turn, Occupational Science has developed research on the relevance of the social aspect to its framework. Therefore, the possibility of dialogues between Occupational Therapy and Occupational Science in the composition of the scientific field of the area is discussed. It is argued that there is a need to recognize the plurality of current vocabularies, histories and cultures, including re-discussing the concept of occupation. The aim is to contribute with horizontal dialogues, expanding the production of knowledge and valuing different theoretical and practical perspectives that inform Occupational Therapy.
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