Healthcare during pregnancy and post-partum among women of a rural area in Caldas, Colombia. A perspective from everyday life


  • Vanesa Giraldo Gartner Universidad de Massachusetts



pregnancy, rural population, culture


The main goal of this work is to describe and analyze the healthcare process during pregnancy and puerperium in a rural coffee community of Colombia. It is a qualitative-ethnographic study that included observational sessions in domestic and hospital settings and semi-structured and in-depth interviews. 45 women from the community, three health promoters, two chief nurses and two doctors participated in this research. This work revealed that the care of women during pregnancy and postpartum is guided by the cold-hot Andean logic that is imparted from the domestic sphere and mediates the assistance of healthcare promoters, hospital care and, occasionally, the intervention of non-biomedical therapists. Ethnographic analyzes contribute to community approaches in occupational therapy by studying the daily experiences of subjects in specific socio-cultural contexts.


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Author Biography

Vanesa Giraldo Gartner, Universidad de Massachusetts

Antropóloga. Magíster en Salud Pública. Candidata a doctora en Antropología. Universidad de Massachusetts.


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How to Cite

Giraldo Gartner, V. (2019). Healthcare during pregnancy and post-partum among women of a rural area in Caldas, Colombia. A perspective from everyday life. Human Occupation Journal, 19(1), 22–36.


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