Occupational Therapy in the Dominican Republic

Journeys, challenges, and opportunities for the future


  • Yoselyn Del Carmen Castillo Diaz Sociedad Dominicana de Terapia Ocupacional -SODTEO
  • Maribel Paniagua Matos Universidad Católica Santo Domingo




Occupational Therapy, Dominican Republic, history, professional training, professional organizations


This article presents a historical review of Occupational Therapy in the Dominican Republic, including its leading actors, the stages through which occupational therapist training programs were developed, and the formation of the national guild. This process has faced various difficulties, but the support provided by international associations and universities is evident. The future of Occupational Therapy in the Dominican Republic looks promising through strengthening and expanding training, offering professional services, and positioning the Dominican Society of Occupational Therapy, among other challenges. This is the legacy we aspire to leave to future generations of occupational therapists in the country.


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Asociación Dominicana de Rehabilitación (2022). Historia. Asociación Dominicana de Rehabilitación. https://www.adr.org.do/index.php/quienes-somos/historia

Federación Mundial de Terapeutas Ocupacionales [WFOT] (2002). Minimum standards for the education of occupational therapists. Revised 2002. WFOT.

Gil, A. (2021). Fechas de graduación y cantidad de graduados en terapia ocupacional. Departamento de Cómputos, Universidad Católica Santo Domingo.

Sociedad Dominicana de Terapia Ocupacional [SODTEO] (2019). Estatutos. SODTEO.

Sociedad Dominicana de Terapia Ocupacional [SODTEO] (2021). Datos de extranjeros ejerciendo en el país. SODTEO.



How to Cite

Castillo Diaz, Y. D. C., & Paniagua Matos, M. (2022). Occupational Therapy in the Dominican Republic: Journeys, challenges, and opportunities for the future. Human Occupation Journal, 22(Suplemento), 140–152. https://doi.org/10.25214/25907816.1381



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