Reception and proximity as possibilities of interrelation in occupational teletherapy: experience from the practice with children in the Universidad Nacional de Colombia's kindergarten




Occupational Therapy, childhood, education, online learning


This article proposes a reflection based on the experiences of a group of Occupational Therapy students in their education area practice, in dialogue with the ethical perspective of Lévinas and the construction of horizons of meaning in the educational field, who question the understanding of education as a tool for the sole learning of skills and concepts installed in individuals. The practice was carried out with two groups of children in the Universidad Nacional de Colombia's kindergarten during the first semester of 2021 in the occupational teletherapy modality. Emphasis is placed on the process of creating spaces for learning and reflection on professional conducting at school, in times of social distancing due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and in other ways to build relationships based on proximity and embrace in teletherapy.


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How to Cite

Moreno López , A. de P. ., Restrepo Mora , A. C. ., Blanco Munévar, K. L. . ., Martínez Quinto , S. M. ., Mora Estrella , L. V. ., Jaramillo Rodríguez, K. A., … Ríos Gutiérrez, Y. C. . (2022). Reception and proximity as possibilities of interrelation in occupational teletherapy: experience from the practice with children in the Universidad Nacional de Colombia’s kindergarten. Human Occupation Journal, 22(1), 54–65.


