El juego, espacio natural para favorecer el desarrollo motor


  • Martha Tobón de Awad Universidad Nacional de Colombia.




Estimulación por el juego, desarrollo sensoriomotor, comportamiento ocupacional del niño, juego y desarrollo motor


Play is a child's most serios occupation. This is a way a child uses any situation to play. Through play a child learns about the world around him. Through play a child acquires abilities to interact with his environment. 

During the first school years child's play is focused in movement activities (motor skill development). Through play a child develops and exercises his gross motor skills and improves coordination and ability. He also recives many sensory stimulee from his surroundings. These stimulee will help the child develope body awareness, coordination, spatial organization, strenght and body posture. In other words, play promotes life skills. 

Due to these important reasons is very useful to give ideas for fun and games to the teachers. These teaching alternatives which will provide learning through play. 


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Author Biography

Martha Tobón de Awad, Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

Terapista ocupacional, Universidad Nacional


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How to Cite

Tobón de Awad, M. (1998). El juego, espacio natural para favorecer el desarrollo motor. Human Occupation Journal, 7(3), 43–67. https://doi.org/10.25214/25907816.1258




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