Experience of applying universal design for learning via teleassistance in a student internship of Occupational Therapy in education





Occupational Therapy, education, distance education, pandemic


This article describes an internship experience of Advanced Practice in Childhood - Education carried out in the second half of 2020 from the Occupational Therapy program of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. This internship responded to the context of the health emergency generated by the COVID-19 pandemic, in which remote and technology-mediated education, on the one hand, and teleassistance, on the other, posed significant challenges. The objective of the text is to identify and share the lessons learned and results of implementing the principles of universal design to learning in the Occupational Therapy actions provided in the telecare modality with teachers, guardians, and students in the third year of elementary school at a public educational institution in Bogota. Teleassistance allowed the trainee occupational therapists to carry out the evaluation, care and monitoring of schoolchildren; this impacts their daily contexts and the willingness and adherence to synchronous class sessions. The universal design for learning enriched the teaching-learning process for the three educational parties involved: teachers, students, and family members or relatives.


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How to Cite

Díaz Pérez, N. C., Martínez Vera, S. C. ., Mojica Díaz, H. T., & Rodríguez Figueroa, M. C. (2021). Experience of applying universal design for learning via teleassistance in a student internship of Occupational Therapy in education. Human Occupation Journal, 21(2), 99–112. https://doi.org/10.25214/25907816.1058



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